What do we do?

Remote Marketing and Software

București, Sector 1, Aleea Privighetorilor 80, etaj 4

Why us?

We understand you

We understand your business and your needs.

Gain market share

We attract more profitable customers for your business, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Zero complaints

Zero complaints in 9 years of activity. We appreciate our customers and treat them with respect.

Freedom to choice

You can choose from a full range of services with a quality/price ratio of 10.

Complex portfolio

From start-ups to the largest corporations in the world.

+14 years of experience

We have over 14 years of experience in marketing and software.

Proven profitability

We generate profitable transactions and follow the success of your project.

You save money

We are efficient and only implement actions that are profitable for you.


Motivated by success, we are here for you.

Marketing & Software

Choose the joy of success

What do we do for you?

Return on Investment

We ensure the return of investment in marketing in the medium and long term.
Business Plan  | Marketing Plan  | Strategy | Project Management | Auditor

Achieving objectives

We define success through results and performance indicators - KPIs


Business Transformation

Instead of being complicated and exhausting, our process is simple and efficient.
Website | Mobile application | Custom software | ERP | DMS | CRM | Automation

Cost Reduction

Efficiency above all, efficiency to save time, efficiency to grow sustainably.
​Iteration cycle | Identification | Implementation | Measurement | Optimization


Your brand can now be ubiquitous, unmistakable and recognized by millions.
Social Media| Google Ads | SEO | Influencers | Brand activations

Brand Identity

You are unique, you deliever trust, you stand out, you get noticed.
Brand Book | Creative | UI/UX Design | Branding | Advertising materials

Why us?

We understand you

We understand the work ethic, values, and the needs of your business and your clients, thus we will stand with you even in challenging situations.

Complex portfolio, end-to-end services

Every day, we bring added value to both national companies and corporations through the provision of end-to-end marketing and software services.

Measurable results

We are efficient and only implement profitable actions. The results obtained are tangible and measurable, tailored to each client's objectives.

Proven profitability

We implement and validate efficient strategies for achieving all objectives. We generate profitable transactions and track the success of our clients.

Competitive advantage

We have the skills to attract more profitable customers for your business, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Expertise and competence

Our team, composed of passionate individuals with over 14 years of experience in marketing and software, has directly contributed to the success of over 100 national and multinational companies.

Stability and commitment

Thanks to our end-to-end services, from strategy to implementation, and the results obtained, we immediately become trusted partners of our clients.

ISO 9001 Certification

We are committed to delivering high-quality solutions guaranteed by the ISO 9001 Certification in Marketing & Software.

Zero complaints

We value our clients and treat them with respect, thus we develop long-term relationships based on trust and sustainability.

Innovation and technology

We monitor, test, implement, and improve all actions daily by developing and using cutting-edge technology.

Support, assistance, and maintenance

We are always by your side, guiding you and providing swift and efficient support over the long term, to directly contribute to the fulfillment of your objectives.

Transparent and competitive rates

The freedom to choose from a comprehensive range of integrated services, all with a top-notch performance/price ratio.

You get one hour of free consultation

Clients & Projects

End-to-end Services

Digital Marketing

  • Social Media
  • SEO
  • Google Ads
  • Newsletter
  • Influencer Marketing

Web Design & Brand Identity

UI/UX Design

Simple, yet attractive, well-conceived design elements generate increased conversion rates.

Brand Identity

Design elements that set you apart from the competition.

Content Marketing

Content creation: graphics, creative, photo, video.

Landing Page

Modern, attractive and memorable design that is easy to use.

Web & Software


Quick and easy to configure, your website is your business card.


More than just an online shop, this type of website will generate those desired conversions.

Mobile App

Native mobile apps configured according to your needs.

Custom Software

Regardless of the complexity of your project, we guarantee its success.


Launching Event Launching Event
Fairs and Exhibitions Fairs and Exhibitions
Driving Experiences Driving Experiences
Corporate Events Corporate Events

Strategy and Project Management

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

We help you make the most of your potential based on you company’s vision, mission, and goals.

Communication Strategy

Communication Strategy

Defining the target audience, setting up the communication channels, strategic messages and go-to-market.

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Brand identity, customer journey, buying experience and customer satisfaction.

Project Management

Project Management

Strategic coordination and maximum efficiency to guarantee the success of every project.

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and Mentoring

Invest in yourself

The main goal of the coaching sessions held by Remote Marketing is to bring added value to the information you already possess, regardless of your level of experience.

With his 14 years of experience, Andrei Drăguș, the founder of Remote Marketing, is happy to share with you the secrets of modern marketing based on the needs and issues you encounter in the development of your company.


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