Pentru funcționarea optimă a site-ului și pentru o navigare prietenoasă această opțiune nu poate fi dezactivată.
Well optimized, easy to scroll by the user and easily manageable by means of a Content Management System (CMS). Such key-factors add a customized system (CRM) for processing the applications received through the multi-brand website.
Programming languages: PHP, Html/CSS, Java Script
Web design: UI/UX Design, custom-made
Duration: 4 months
Auto Cobalcescu, as our customer, gave us the opportunity to generate spectacular outcomes.They were involved proactively by means of real time feedback, throughout project development, and they have contributed directly to the results listed below, attributable to the new website:
1. Conversion rate escalation during the Covid-19 pandemics
2. Website traffic increase
3. Customer satisfaction improvement
4. Increased number of quote requests for new cars
5. Increased number of service repairs
6. Higher rates of retention
7. Efficient management of the databases
8. Actual and measurable reports
We are pleased to show gratitude to Mr. Gabriel Predescu and to the entire Auto Cobălcescu team for their support, creative ideas and support throughout the project.
The success can only come if there is a mutual interest.